ONE QUOTEはオンラインで御見積からBOOKINGまでを一貫して全航路で対応可能なシステムです。
対象サービスはこちらから検索いただけます。 >> 対象航路サービス検索方法
(詳細に関してはONE QUOTE Terms and Conditionsを参照下さい。)
※ONE QUOTEより入手された運賃はWEB BOOKINGではご利用いただけません。


ONE QUOTE経由のBooking詳細を一覧で閲覧できます。
ONE QUOTE Tutorial Video は以下リンクのページのUSER GUIDEタブをクリックして下さい。(全和訳字幕付きです)
ONE QUOTEに関するお問い合わせ
お問い合わせはチャット、もしくはWEBフォーム(ONE QUOTEに関して)にてお問い合わせください。
ONE QUOTEと従来の御見積との比較
お問い合わせ先 | ONE QUOTE 専用窓口 (上記) | 各営業店 |
24時間対応 (御見積~Bookingリクエストまで) | 可 | 不可 |
キャンセルフィー | あり (条件により発生しません*1) | なし |
ブッキング | ONE QUOTE 上で完結 | WEB BOOKING*2 |
ブッキング変更 | 不可 (条件により可*3) | 可 |
危険品/OOGブッキング | 現在ご利用いただけません | 可 |
車両等 (建機含む) | ガソリン車のみ*4 | 営業担当にお問い合わせください |
CY OPEN/CUT | ホームページ参照 | ホームページ参照 |
*2 ONE QUOTEより入手された運賃は WEB BOOKINGではご利用いただけません。
*3 Customer Name (Shipper/Forwarder/Consignee), Commodity, Estimate Weightのみ変更可能。
*4 HV車はONE QUOTEではお引き受け不可。
ONE QUOTE対象外案件の御見積をご希望の場合は、WEBフォームにてご依頼ください。
WEB BOOKINGはこちらから(事前に営業部署へ運賃をご確認いただく必要がございます)
「ONE QUOTE」の利点は何ですか?
「ONE QUOTE」を通じて、即時見積を得ることができ、オンラインでブッキングできます。更に見積の内容を確認や履歴を確認することができます。 また、「ONE QUOTE」限定の「プレミアムカーゴサービス」を通じてスペースとコンテナの保証を購入することもできます。
「ONE QUOTE」のモバイルアプリはありますか?
「ONE QUOTE」にて、ONE との全てのブッキングを確認できますか?
はい、「ONE QUOTE」のメインページにあるダッシュボードにて、全ての「ONE QUOTE」ブッキングを確認できます。ONE QUOTE以外の全てのブッキングをご確認されたい場合は、弊社のeコマースにアクセスし、eCOMメニューの「インバウンド/アウトバウンド」にてご確認ください。
「ONE QUOTE」上のチャットボットから問い合わせください。チャットのお問い合わせカテゴリーを選択し、詳細を入力してください。
「ONE QUOTE」の対象航路を教えてください。
対象航路・仕向け地はService Coverage、もしくはONE QUOTEに直接アクセスしご確認下さい。
「ONE QUOTE」の対象貨物を教えてください。
一般的なFAK Dry貨物(20ft Dry/40ft Dry/40HC Dry/20ft Reefer as Dry /40HC Reefer as Dry) 及びReefer貨物(20 Reefer/40HCReefer)が対象です。危険品、特殊コンテナ貨物については、弊社営業担当までお問い合わせください。
現時点では全ての仕向け地が網羅されていません。対象の仕向け地はONE QUOTEに直接アクセスしご確認下さい。
いいえ。現時点では CY/CYのみが対象です。
「ONE QUOTE」とeコマース経由のブッキングを組み合わせることはできますか?
できません。「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積は「ONE QUOTE」専用です。
Shipment Over View より修正依頼をすることができます。修正ができるStatusはBooking Processingのみとなります。費用等の詳細はONE QUOTE契約条件をご覧ください。
「ONE QUOTE」経由のブッキングのBL Combineは可能ですか?
「ONE QUOTE」経由のブッキングをキャンセルできますか?
可能です。Shipment Over ViewよりBookingのCancelができます。Cancel ができるStatusはBooking Processing/Bookedの場合のみです。
「ONE QUOTE」経由のブッキングを追跡できますか?
可能です。「ONE QUOTE」の予約状況を追跡するには、既存のeコマースのウェブサイトでメニューの「ブッキング状況」をクリックしてください。
「ONE QUOTE」経由のブッキングのBL Split可能ですか?
Shipping Instruction (SI)にてご指示願います。
「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積の有効期間を教えてください。
「ONE QUOTE」はスポット見積であるため、見積は選択した本船/スケジュールに対してのみ有効です。
「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積の有効期間を延長できますか?
できません。「ONE QOUTE」はスポット予約のみを提供しているため、見積時点の選択した時点の本船/スケジュールに対してのみ有効です。
「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積の更新頻度を教えてください。
「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積は交渉可能ですか?
ONEと既存契約を「ONE QUOTE」経由の予約に適用できますか?
「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積に含まれる諸サーチャージを教えてください。
諸チャージの内訳は、「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積を照会する際にご確認いただけます。Freight Summary または Order Summaryの画面にてご確認ください。詳細はユーザーガイドをご覧ください。
「ONE QUOTE」経由の見積に追加費用は発生しますか?
確認後は、基本的に追加料金は発生しません。ただし、条件(例:重量サーチャージ)により追加料金が発生する場合があります。料金に関するすべての情報は、ONE QUOTE契約条件に記載されています。
「ONE QUOTE」の使用料金等は発生しますか?
ONE QUOTE契約条件を参照してください。
優先的にスペースとコンテナを確保します。詳細はONE QUOTE契約条件をご覧ください。
ONE QUOTE契約条件に従いお客様に補償を行います。こちらをご覧ください。
追加料金をお支払いいただければ、揚げ地での特殊フリータイム (Detention)を付与するサービスがございます。(Additional Destination Free Time Purchase) 但し、ブッキングリクエストSUBMIT後の購入はできません。SUBMIT後に追加でフリータイム付与をご希望の場合は、新規で再度ブッキングリクエストを入れてください。
「ONE QUOTE」経由のブッキングの支払い方法について教えてください。
「ONE QUOTE」経由のブッキングのPayment Term (Prepaid/Collect) 指定は可能ですか?
基本はPREPAID扱いとなります。変更ご希望の場合はShipping Instruction (SI)にて指定下さい。
Price OwnerがBooking Agent を指定した場合、自社の代理として委任したことを明確にする必要があるため、また、Booking Agentを指定しない場合はPrice Ownerの個人が社の代表者となることを承認するためLOAの提出が必要となります。 e-SignatureはFMCに運賃をFilingするために必要となります。
ONE QUOTEでBooking手配するときは都度LOAを提出する必要がありますか?
LOAとe-Signatureは最長 1 年間有効です。 但し、承認後の LOA を修正する場合には改めて LOA を提出頂く必要があり、先に承認された LOA は失効します。 特定の有効期間内に 1 つの LOA のみ有効となります。
ONE QUOTEでBooking手配するときは都度LOAを提出する必要がありますか?
LOAとe-Signatureは最長 1 年間有効です。 但し、承認後の LOA を修正する場合には改めて LOA を提出頂く必要があり、先に承認された LOA は失効します。 特定の有効期間内に 1 つの LOA のみ有効となります。
提出頂いたLOA ,e-Signatureの精査、処理に約 2 ~3営業日掛かります。申請された内容に不備があった場合はReject通知が送信されます。 ※一旦LOAの申請を行うとONEでApprove, Rejectのステイタスへ変更するまではLOAの編集・訂正等の操作はできません。
ONE QUOTEのContract内容は他BKGでも適用可能ですか?
ONE QUOTEのContractはそのBKG限りの有効となり、他BKGへの適用は不可となります。
ONE QUOTEの契約条件は Terms & Conditionの通りとなります。ONE QUOTE T&C
- 〇 変更を希望される場合は、運賃は再見積の対象となります。
- 〇 CONFIRMED BOOKING時に表示される運賃・サーチャージがお支払いいただく金額となります。
- 〇 スペース・コンテナの確約はありません。また、お客様が重量制限・諸々の規制等を遵守されている前提となりま す。
- 〇 ローカルサーチャージを追加することがあります。コンテナクリーニングフィー、重量サーチャージ等が対象となります。
重量サーチャージはB/L INSTRUCTIONにて申告いただく重量に応じて、別途 課徴申し受ける場合があります。
- 〇 使用料金自体は無料です。但し、キャンセル・変更などをされる場合は、後述のCCL(BOOKING CANCELATION FEE)の対象となります。
- コンテナ
- 〇 コンテナ手配の可否は在庫次第となります。
- 〇 コンテナサイズやタイプの変更を希望される場合は、運賃を別途再見積させていただきます。変更依頼が無い場 合は、後述のCCLの対象となります。
- 〇 キャンセル(一部 及び *ブッキング変更の際を含む)の際のCCLは、EAST ASIAサービスを除く全サービスにてTEU当たり USD100(本船輸出換算レートを使用)となります。EAST ASIAサービスはTEU当たりUSD20(本船輸出換算レートを使用)となります。ETD の前日を起算として10日前以降のキャンセル(ETD当日のキャンセル含む)がCCLの対象となります。基準となるETDは、Cancellation Noticeに記載のLATEST ETDとなります。
- *船次航・ルート・コンテナ本数/サイ ズタイプの変更を希望される場合は、ONE QUOTEで再度新規BOOKING手配頂くことになります。ONE QUOTE上で対象本船、 ROUTEが表示されない場合は変更お引き受け不可となります。
- *PREMIUM CARGO SERVICE(プレミアム カーゴ サービス)/ SPECIAL PROMOTION SERVICE (特別プロモーションサービス)の場合のCANCELATION FEEに関しては以下をご参照ください。
- 〇 コンテナと母船(1st Vessel )スペースを確約するサービスとなっております。別表 (PREMIUM SERVICE FEES MATRIX※)をご覧ください。※eCommerceログイン後に内容をご確認頂けます。
- 〇 BRN(BOOKING RECEIPT NOTICE)発番後の船次航・ルート・コンテナタイプ/サイズの変更の際には、CCL(BOOKING CANCELATION FEE)の対象となります。
- 〇変更を希望される場合は、運賃は再見積の対象となります。
- 〇CARRIERの都合により母船(1st Vessel )がROLL OVERした場合は、PREMIUM CARGO SERVICE FEE/SPECIAL PROMOTION SERVICE FEEの50%を、 コンテ ナ在庫を確保できない場合はPREMIUM CARGO SERVICE FEE, SPECIAL PROMOTION SERVICE FEEの100%を補償します。但し、母船以外が遅れた場合、コンテナのPICK UP日が指定日より早い場合、コンテナグレードの指定があった場合、コンテナの手配代えを 拒否した場合、母船が抜港した場合、書類提出の遅れや申告に誤りがあった場合、搬入遅延が生じた場合、BL条項に違反があった場合、運賃などが支払われないなどの場合は補償の対象外となります。(詳細はT&Cの9.6をご覧ください)
- 〇代替の船・ルートを手配し、当初ETDより前後3日以内に出帆する本船に船積みされた場合も補償の対象外となります。
- 〇補償に対する請求は、当社の変更連絡から60日以内に行っていただく必要があります。
1. General Terms and Conditions
2. Freight
3. ONE QUOTE Charges
4. Equipment
5. Demurrage and Detention
6. Payment
7. Premium Cargo Service & Special Promotion Service
8. Merchant’s Responsibility
9. Carrier’s Responsibility
10. Force Majeure
11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
12. Appendix I: Booking Cancellation and Amendment Fee Matrix
1. General Terms and Conditions
1.1 “Carrier” refers to Ocean Network Express (“ONE”) and its subsidiaries who are the providers of the transport services.
1.2. “Merchant” refers to the party that agrees and accepts the terms and conditions of ONE QUOTE while placing any bookings on ONE QUOTE.
1.3. The Merchant shall be responsible for all of the obligations and liabilities of the shipper and is also subject to the Carrier’s acceptance of the nomination of a different shipper. In addition, the Merchant is to be fully liable for any loss and cost incurred to the Carrier in case the nomination of the shipper or any other party is incorrect, and the Merchant does not have an authority to legally bind the nominated shipper or any other party in the booking.
1.4. Notwithstanding the subsequent issuance of any Bill of Lading (whether negotiable or not), waybill or similar transport documents (either in paper or electronic form) and any pre-printed portions thereof, ‘Terms and Conditions – ONE QUOTE’ shall apply and be deemed to be incorporated into the terms of the ONE B/L terms. In addition, the ‘Terms and Conditions - ONE QUOTE’ shall be extended as required, logically amended, varied, and supplemented to the ONE B/L terms, but the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of the ONE B/L terms shall remain in full force and not be affected.
1.5. Without prior notice to the Merchant, the Carrier reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions.
1.6. Currently, ONE QUOTE is available for non-DG DRY and REEFER export shipments. In case a booking is accepted for a shipment other than the scope mentioned above for whatever reason it may be, such booking shall be cancelled without any responsibility from the Carrier. In addition, for REEFER shipments, high-value cargo, including but not limited to pharmaceutical products, and refrigerated commodities that require special treatment, such as Controlled Atmosphere (“CA”) or Cold Treatment (“CT"), are not accepted and the Carrier reserves the right to cancel the booking during the Shipment Instruction (“SI”) submission stage.
2. Freight
2.1. The quotation rates shall not be subject to change once a Booking Confirmation has been received.
2.2. In case the Merchant wishes to make amendments to the booking, the booking shall be subject to repricing based on the changes made, including but not limited to the route, voyages, equipment type, and the total container volume. Please note that the original booking will be canceled once an amendment is requested.
2.3. The total freight summary in USD on ONE QUOTE is for reference purposes only and should not be used as the actual freight payment. The actual payable manifested freight and charges are based on the freight and charge detail listed in the Booking Receipt Acknowledgement.
2.4. The rates quoted are subject to space and equipment availability. In addition, the quotation is subject to the Merchant’s compliance with the restrictions and regulations, including but not limited to weight restrictions and cargo restrictions.
2.5. The rates offered on ONE QUOTE may differ compared to the rates offered in other sales channels, including but not limited to online and offline channels for the same conditions.
2.6. The freight shall be subject to non-manifested local surcharges. In addition, the Carrier is entitled to charge the Merchant with additional services and charges that may occur after the Booking Confirmation, including but not limited to heavyweight surcharges, pick-up/drop-off charges, and container cleaning fees.
2.7. Any obvious freight errors and mistakes on ONE QUOTE are not binding to the terms and conditions.
3. ONE QUOTE Charges
3.1. The operational and system cost for utilizing the system is free of charge. However, in a situation in which a customer cancels, partially cancels, or does not bind to the reserved booking, ONE would require a Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL" as mentioned in Section 8.
4. Equipment
4.1. The Carrier and its subsidiaries would make every effort to provide the equipment to ONE QUOTE Merchants but always subjected to its availability.
4.2. If the Merchant wishes to change the equipment size or type, then the booking shall be subject to repricing based on the amended equipment. If the notice for amendment is not provided to the Carrier by the Merchant based on the conditions laid out in Section 8, then a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") shall be payable by the Merchant.
4.3 If the Merchant wishes to
- 4.3.1. Change the equipment size or type that does not change the total TEU of a booking; or
- 4.3.2. Add the same equipment size or type that results in an increase in the total TEU of a booking; or
- 4.3.3. Reduce the number of the total TEU of a booking
then the booking shall be subject to repricing only based on the amended and/or added equipment for cases 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. For case 4.3.3., the booking shall be subject to the Cancellation Fee (“CCL”) in addition to repricing.
4.4. Merchants may need to pay additional charges to cover the equipment supply cost if the pick-up/drop-off locations differ from the origin/destination location confirmed in the booking.
4.5. The equipment availability may be subject to special grade containers, such as but not limited to food grade.
5. Demurrage and Detention
5.1. The applicable free time, demurrage, and detention for ONE QUOTE cargo are subject to the Carrier’s detention and demurrage tariff, which can be found here.
5.2. The Carrier offers special ONE QUOTE free time, demurrage, and detention for specific countries or locations. The locations that are subject to the special conditions can be found here. Without prior notice to the Merchant, the Carrier reserves the right to amend the special condition.
5.3. ONE QUOTE offers additional free time to be purchased at the booking stage as an additional service, and the available locations for purchase are subject to the Carrier’s offering based on trade and port pairs. The purchased additional free time may not be extended more than the purchased number of days, and the additional free time service charge shall be payable by the Shipper.
5.4. In the case of underuse of the purchased additional free time, there will be no refund for the underused portion of the days purchased.
5.5. In the case of overuse of the additional free time purchased, the standard tariff shall be applied to the containers that have exceeded the free time period as per the regular process.
5.6. If the Merchant wishes to cancel the additional free time service, the Merchant must cancel the booking, for which the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee (*CCL") as per the conditions laid in Section 8.
6. Payment
6.1. The Merchant agrees and confirms that all statements/invoices will be paid on time and shall not, under any circumstance, fail to make payment. The prepaid charge shall be settled prior to the release of the Bill of Lading, and the destination charge shall be settled prior to the release of the cargo.
6.2. Some countries may adhere to different payment terms for certain charges and the Merchant may contact local sales representatives for information on exceptional payment terms.
6.3. For REEFER shipments, the payment term shall be limited to “Prepaid” only. For any exceptional requests, the Merchant may contact local sales representatives.
6.4. In the event that the Merchant fails to pay the freight and charges associated with the cargo, the Carrier reserves the right to exercise the applicable right for holding a lien over the cargo. In addition, the Compensation Fee for the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service will only be settled after the outstanding freight has been paid by the Merchant.
7. Premium Cargo Service & Special Promotion Service
7.1. The Merchant can purchase a Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service as an option for which the Booking Confirmation will act as the binding agreement between the Merchant and the Carrier.
7.2. If the Merchant has purchased a Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, the Carrier is committed to provide the equipment and load and ship the Goods on the first ocean leg vessel as provided in the Booking Confirmation, subject to the conditions mentioned in the terms and conditions.
7.3. The Merchant who has purchased the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service is committed to deliver the cargo to ONE as per the booking detail listed in the confirmed booking. In the event of a full booking cancellation, partial booking cancellation, or booking cancellation resulting from an amendment request, the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") as per the conditions laid in Section 8.
8.Merchant’s Responsibility
8.1. The Merchant is to deliver the Goods for shipment by the Carrier before the cut-off time as indicated in the Booking Confirmation.
Merchants with Premium Cargo Service or Special Promotion Service
- 8.1.1. For Merchant who has purchased the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, if the Merchant wishes to fully cancel the shipment (i.e. full cancellation) or reduce the number of containers (i.e. partial cancellation) after the Booking Confirmation has been issued, then the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a fee per container cancelled (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") regardless of the cancellation timing as long as the booking has been once confirmed. In terms of the quantum, the cancellation fee shall be the same as the total Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee shown in the Booking Receipt Acknowledgement. For a partial cancellation, the Cancellation Fee per cancelled container is the same as the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee per container provided in the Booking Receipt Acknowledgement. In addition, partially cancelled bookings will be subject to repricing. Please also find the latest Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee matrix on the ONE QUOTE’s page on our eCommerce website
8.1.2. For Merchant who has purchased the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, in case the Merchant wishes to make amendments to the booking, including but not limited to the route, voyages, and equipment size/type, a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee “CCL") shall be applied, for these amendments will result in a cancellation of the current booking, as well as subject to repricing based on the changes made. Please note that the original booking will be cancelled once an amendment is requested. For the amendment, the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a fee per container amended (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL"), which is equivalent to 50% of the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee per container mentioned in the Booking Receipt Acknowledgement. Please also find the latest Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee matrix on the ONE QUOTE’s page on our eCommerce website
Table 1: Merchants without Premium Cargo Service or Special Promotion Service - Booking Cancellation Fee Applicable Timing
Day 10
ETDDay 10
ETDDay 9
ETDDay 8
ETDDay 7
ETDDay 6
ETDDay 5
ETDDay 4
ETDDay 3
ETDDay 2
ETDDay 1
Merchants without Premium Cargo Service or Special Promotion Service
- 8.1.3. For Merchant who has not purchased the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, if the Merchant wishes to fully cancel the shipment (i.e. full cancellation) or reduce the number of containers (i.e. partial cancellation) after the Booking Confirmation has been issued, then a cancellation notice must be provided by the Merchant to the Carrier more than 10 days before the scheduled estimated time of departure (“ETD”). If a cancellation notice is provided 10 days before the ETD or less (including the ETD day), then the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") per TEU cancelled shown in the below table. In addition, partially cancelled bookings will be subject to repricing.
Scope CCL Amount (USD) Effective Date
(Booking Date)Expiration Date East Asia Trade* $20 per TEU June 1st, 2021 Until Further Notice All Trades (Except for
East Asia Trade)$100 per TEU June 1st, 2021 Until Further Notice Export shipments from
Bangladesh, India,
Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
to East/South Asia
(excl. the Red Sea and
the Middle East**)$25 per TEU March 1st, 2022 Until Further Notice Export shipments
from North AmericaNo Cancellation Fee January 31, 2023 May 31st, 2023
**The Red Sea and the Middle East countries are referring to the following:
***Only the following ports in Russia are under the East Asia scope: NAKHODKA, VLADIVOSTOK, VOSTOCHNY
- 8.1.4. For Merchant who has not purchased the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, if the Merchant wishes to amend the booking after the Booking Confirmation has been issued, including but not limited to the route, voyages, and equipment size/type, then the booking will be subject to repricing based on the changes made, and an amendment notice must be provided by the Merchant to the Carrier more than 10 days before the scheduled estimated time of departure (“ETD”). If an amendment notice is provided 10 days before the ETD or less (including the ETD day), then the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") per TEU amended shown in the below table.
Scope CCL Amount (USD) Effective Date
(Booking Date)Expiration Date East Asia Trade* $20 per TEU June 1st, 2021 Until Further Notice All Trades (Except for
East Asia Trade)$100 per TEU June 1st, 2021 Until Further Notice Export shipments from
Bangladesh, India,
Pakistan, and Sri Lanka
to East/South Asia
(excl. the Red Sea and
the Middle East**)$25 per TEU March 1st, 2022 Until Further Notice Export shipments from
North AmericaNo Cancellation Fee January 31, 2023 May 31st, 2023
**The Red Sea and the Middle East countries are referring to the following:
***Only the following ports in Russia are under the East Asia scope: NAKHODKA, VLADIVOSTOK, VOSTOCHNY
8.2. If the Merchant fails to deliver the Goods for shipment to the Carrier due to unforeseeable circumstances related to
- 8.2.1. Force majeure; or
- 8.2.2. Customs inspection delay with a proven record from authority
then a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") mentioned in Section 8 shall not be applicable. In addition, if a booking needs to be cancelled due to a combining of bookings and the newly combined booking has been placed, then a fee (Booking Cancellation Fee "CCL") shall not be applicable.
The Merchant shall submit evidence and proof to the Carrier, proving that the non-performance of the Merchant’s obligation was unavoidable and met the exceptional circumstances listed in 8.2.1 or 8.2.2
8.3. The Merchant warrants to the Carrier that the particulars relating to the commodity and cargo weight are accurate and correct. The Merchant also warrants that the Goods are lawful Goods and contain no contraband, drugs or other illegal substances or stowaways, and that the Goods are non-hazardous Goods.
8.4. If, however, there is a discrepancy of more than 3 metric tons per TEU between the weight declared during the booking stage and the final weight before loading, the Merchant shall pay the Carrier a weight discrepancy fee of $2,000 per container.
Weight Discrepancy Amount (USD) | Effective Date (Booking Date) | Expiration Date |
$2,000 per Container | May 15th, 2022 | Until Further Notice |
9. Carrier’s Responsibility
9.1. The service schedule for Departure (Estimated Time of Departure “ETD”), Transit Time (Duration), and Arrival Time (Estimated Time of Arrival “ETA”) on ONE QUOTE may change after the Booking Confirmation. In addition, the ETD, Duration, and ETA are not part of the contract of carriage and the Carrier does not guarantee/provide commitment to these schedules.
9.2. If the Merchant has purchased a Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, the Carrier is committed to provide the equipment, load and ship the Goods on the first ocean leg as provided in the Booking Confirmation, subject to the conditions mentioned in the terms and conditions.
9.3. The space guarantee for loading and shipping the goods is limited to ocean routes, and the Carrier does not extend the guarantee to the loading to an inland transportation mode.
9.4. In the event of the Booking Confirmation is issued to the Merchant by the Carrier, for any change requested by the Merchant which would result in the cancellation of the existing booking, the new booking placed on the same ship does not automatically carry the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service unless the Merchant has also purchased the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service for the new booking.
9.5. The Carrier would make every effort to fulfill the service requirement listed in the confirmed booking, and it is unlikely that the Carrier will change or cancel the Merchant’s booking. However, after the Booking Confirmation is issued by the Carrier, in an unlikely event where the Carrier fails to provide the equipment, load and ship the cargo on the first ocean leg vessel for which the Merchant has purchased Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service, except for the circumstances listed in Section 9.6, the Carrier shall compensate the Merchant for the change of shipment at below quantum. Please find the latest quantum of the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee in the ONE QUOTE’s page on our eCommerce website
- 9.5.1. Rollover to an alternative vessel: 50% of the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee per container as listed on the Booking Receipt Acknowledgement
- 9.5.2. Cancellation due to equipment unavailability: 100% of the Premium Cargo Service/Special Promotion Service fee per container as listed on the Booking Receipt Acknowledgement
9.6. The Compensation Fee, as stated in Section 9.5, shall not be payable by the Carrier to Merchant if the Carrier’s failure, as stated in Section 9.5, is due to the following that are beyond Carrier’s reasonable control:
- 9.6.1. Force majeure; or
- 9.6.2. The delay in pre-carriage transportation including barge, rail, and truck to connect to the booked ocean vessel; or
- 9.6.3. Equipment pick-up date by the Merchant is earlier than the date requested by the Carrier; or
- 9.6.4. Special requirements of the equipment condition such as food grade; or
- 9.6.5. The Merchant rejects a different equipment type to serve as a substitute for the required equipment type proposed by the Carrier; or
- 9.6.6. Port omission (beyond the Carrier’s reasonable control); or
- 9.6.7. Late document submission or incorrect declarations by Merchant; or
- 9.6.8. Late gate-in (missing the cut-off time) by Merchant; or
- 9.6.9. Noncompliance with weight, cargo, and commodity restrictions or limitations by the regulation or Merchant; or
- 9.6.10. Breaching of ONE’s B/L Clause by Merchant; or
- 9.6.11. Outstanding freight not paid for the shipment by Merchant and not complying with the payment terms.
In addition, if the Goods are loaded and shipped on an alternative vessel within three (3) days earlier or after the scheduled ETD as confirmed in the Booking Confirmation, then the Carrier shall not pay the Compensation Fee. Lastly, in the unlikely event of multiple rollovers, the Compensation Fee will only be paid once.
9.7. The claim for the Compensation Fee must be submitted by the Merchant within sixty (60) calendar days of the change made by the Carrier in order to be eligible for compensation.
9.8. The Compensation Fee will not be credited to any future shipments as well as in case the Merchant cancels the shipment after a rollover.
10. Force Majeure
10.1. Force Majeure referred in Sections 8 and 9 means any circumstances beyond the reasonable control of a party which, by the exercise of due diligence, such party is unable to provide against, such as but not limited to war (whether declared or not), warlike or belligerent acts or operations, hostilities or the imminence thereof, act of public enemies, terrorism or terrorist acts, restraint of princes, rulers or people, compliance with any compulsorily applicable law or governmental directive, boycott against flag, political ban, epidemic, port congestion which is reasonably anticipated to incur delay of 48 hours or more, act of God, strikes, lockouts, labor disputes, stoppages or unrest (whether or not involving the employees of the affected party), accidents, invasion, rebellion or sabotage, or any other events whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the affected party.
10.2. The performance of this Agreement by the affected party, to the extent of the Force Majeure, shall be suspended without penalty or liability on the part of the affected party (in whole or in part as appropriate) until such time as the performance thereof is again practicable, without prejudice to any rights, liabilities, and obligations accrued up to the date of suspension.
10.3. Any party affected by any event of Force Majeure shall take all reasonable steps to minimise the consequences of such event on the performance of their material obligations under the booking.
11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
11.1. The terms and conditions and provision of the service shall be governed by Singapore law except as may be otherwise provided for herein. Unless otherwise agreed by the Carrier, any action against the Carrier hereunder must be brought exclusively before the Singapore High Court. Any action by the Carrier to enforce any provision of these terms and conditions may be brought before any court of competent jurisdiction at the option of the Carrier.
12. Appendix I: Booking Cancellation and Amendment Fee Matrix
Table 2: Merchants with Premium Cargo Service or Special Promotion Service
Seq | Scenario | Scenario Description | Before Booking Confirmation (BRN) |
After Booking Confirmation (BRN) |
Booking Cancellation Fee ("CCL") |
Repricing of Freight |
Booking Cancellation Fee ("CCL") |
Repricing of Freight |
1 | Entire Booking Cancellation |
Merchant requests to cancel the booking entirely (i.e. full cancellation) |
- | - | ✓ (100% of Premium Cargo Service /Special Promotion Service fee) |
- |
2 | Cancellation due to Vessel Voyage Cancellation or Port Omission |
Merchant requests to cancel the booking due to either cancelled vessel voyage or port omission by the vessel voyage |
- | - | - | - |
3 | Cancellation due to Lack of Equipment |
Merchant requests to cancel the booking due to no requested equipment is available |
- | - | - | - |
4 | Volume Amendment (Increase) |
Merchant requests to add the number of containers, leading to an increase of the total TEU of a booking |
- | ✓ | - | ✓ |
5 | Volume Amendment (Decrease) |
Merchant requests to reduce the number of containers, leading to a decrease in the total TEU of a booking |
- | ✓ | ✓ (100% of Premium Cargo Service /Special Promotion Service fee) |
✓ |
6 | Vessel Voyage Amendment |
Merchant requests to change the vessel voyage from the original vessel voyage |
- | ✓ | ✓ (50% of Premium Cargo Service /Special Promotion Service fee) |
✓ |
7 | Route Amendment | Merchant requests to change the route from the original route |
- | ✓ | ✓ (50% of Premium Cargo Service /Special Promotion Service fee) |
✓ |
8 | Container Type/Size Amendment (No Decrease in the Total TEU) |
Merchant requests to change the container type or size from the original container type/size that results in either increase in the total TEU or remains as-is |
- | ✓ | - | ✓ |
9 | Container Type/Size Amendment (Decrease in the Total TEU) |
Merchant requests to change the container type or size from the original container type/size that results in a decrease in the total TEU |
- | ✓ | ✓ (50% of Premium Cargo Service /Special Promotion Service fee) |
✓ |
10 | Customer Details/Reference, Weight, Commodity Information Amendment |
Merchant requests to change the customer details (e.g. shipper, consignee info, etc.), weight, and commodity information |
- | - | - | - |
Table 3: Merchants without Premium Cargo Service or Special Promotion Service
Seq | Scenario | Scenario Description | Before Booking Confirmation or > 10 Days Before ETD |
After Booking Confirmation or ≤ 10 Days Before ETD |
Booking Cancellation Fee ("CCL") |
Repricing of Freight |
Booking Cancellation Fee ("CCL") |
Repricing of Freight |
1 | Entire Booking Cancellation |
Merchant requests to cancel the booking entirely (i.e. full cancellation) |
- | - | ✓ (USD 100* per TEU cancelled) | - |
2 | Cancellation due to Vessel Voyage Cancellation or Port Omission |
Merchant requests to cancel the booking due to either cancelled vessel voyage or port omission by the vessel voyage |
- | - | - | - |
3 | Cancellation due to Lack of Equipment |
Merchant requests to cancel the booking due to no requested equipment is available |
- | - | - | - |
4 | Volume Amendment (Increase) |
Merchant requests to add the number of containers, leading to an increase of the total TEU of a booking |
- | ✓ | - | ✓ |
5 | Volume Amendment (Decrease) |
Merchant requests to reduce the number of containers, leading to a decrease in the total TEU of a booking |
- | ✓ | ✓ (USD 100* per TEU amended) | ✓ |
6 | Vessel Voyage Amendment |
Merchant requests to change the vessel voyage from the original vessel voyage |
- | ✓ | ✓ (USD 100* per TEU amended) | ✓ |
7 | Route Amendment | Merchant requests to change the route from the original route |
- | ✓ | ✓ (USD 100* per TEU amended) | ✓ |
8 | Container Type/Size Amendment (No Decrease in the Total TEU) |
Merchant requests to change the container type or size from the original container type/size that results in either increase in the total TEU or remains as-is |
- | ✓ | - | ✓ |
9 | Container Type/Size Amendment (Decrease in the Total TEU) |
Merchant requests to change the container type or size from the original container type/size that results in a decrease in the total TEU |
- | ✓ | ✓ (USD 100* per TEU amended) | ✓ |
10 | Customer Details/Reference, Weight, Commodity Information Amendment |
Merchant requests to change the customer details (e.g. shipper, consignee info, etc.), weight, and commodity information |
- | - | - | - |
China/Hong Kong/Korea/Japan/Vietnam/Taiwan/Indonesia/Thailand/Malaysia/Singapore/Philippines