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Import control system 2 (ICS2) Update – European Commission

Dear valued ONE customer,

Re: Import control system 2 (ICS2) 2024 – European Commission

With reference to our initial ICS2 advisory published 9th January 2024, this second IC2 advisory serves to inform you about the new mandated cargo and bill of lading (B/L) details introduced with the new EU ICS2 regulation.

The transition period for ICS2 filing starts on 3rd June 2024, until 4th December 2024.  ONE will require customers to start sending their ICS2 data to us from September 2024, with filing deadlines 24 hours before commencement of loading. 
The following data is required to allow ONE to submit consignment entry summary declarations (ENS):

    • Actual Buyer & Seller details 
    • The EORI number for the Master BL Consignee
    • A 6-digit Harmonized Commodity (HS) code 
    • Complete and accurate cargo description
    • The ECICS CUS code for chemical goods shipments *
    • The Ocean Freight Method of payment

DG TAXUD, the EU Commission department responsible for EU policies on taxation and customs, has emphasized the need to use adequate descriptions of goods. Details on the usage of acceptable goods descriptions are described in the TAXUD working document via the following link:
With the new EU ICS2 regulation ONE’s customers have the option of house filing for House Bills of Lading (H B/L) and/or actual buyer and seller details. This option allows shippers to decide whether they will perform their own (House) BL filing (so-called multi-filing) or prefer ONE to submit the H B/L filing on their behalf.

The decision for House filing introduces a new set of data elements that a shipper will have to adhere to, to safeguard a complete ENS filing.

Indication of the ENS filing types:

    • F10 – Straight B/L and Buyer and Seller - ENS filing by ONE 
    • F11 – Master B/L, H B/L and Buyer & Seller data – Complete ENS filings by ONE
    • F12 – Master B/L (multi filing: Master B/L - ENS filing by ONE, H B/L and Buyer/Seller ENS submission by house filer
    • F13 – Straight B/L (multi filing: Straight B/L – ENS filing by ONE, Buyer/Seller details, ENS submission by house filer)

Customers that do not intend to share buyer/seller or HBL data with ONE should register as a House-Filer with their applicable EORI number, obtain a deployment window and connect to the EU customs trader portal. See for more information using the following link:

House Filers can start sending their supplementary declarations from the 4th of December.

ONE is updating its web interface to include these specific features and is in dialogue with the shipping portals to accommodate the required data elements in the specifications for the EDI shipping instruction. We will be contacting Direct EDI customers to discuss the options to update the EDI interface and ensure ICS2 readiness in the coming weeks. * Link to ECICS CUS code database:
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local office for additional support.

Yours faithfully,

Ocean Network Express

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