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Jordan Food & Drug Administration (JFDA) have recently announced new regulations related to the import of Titanium Dioxide or food items that contain Titanium Dioxide.
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Jordan Food & Drug Administration (JFDA) have recently announced new regulations related to the import of Titanium Dioxide or food items that contain Titanium Dioxide. These decisions have been made based on a study conducted by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Titanium Dioxide is an additive (E171) that is not considered safe for use in the food industry.
The following decisions announced by JFDA will be applicable effective 1st January 2023.
• Ban importing Titanium Dioxide or any food items containing Titanium Dioxide and JFDA will cancel all previously issued permits allowing the import of Titanium Dioxide.
• Ban the use of Titanium Dioxide in any food production processes in Jordan.
• Suspend the registration of special-use food items and food supplements for
athletes that contains this substance.
The following decisions announced by JFDA will be applicable effective 1st January 2023.
• Ban importing Titanium Dioxide or any food items containing Titanium Dioxide and JFDA will cancel all previously issued permits allowing the import of Titanium Dioxide.
• Ban the use of Titanium Dioxide in any food production processes in Jordan.
• Suspend the registration of special-use food items and food supplements for
athletes that contains this substance.
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TradeLens Update
TradeLens Update
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eCommerce Manage Shipment - Import Shipment Overview (Including North America)
<5 December 2022, Singapore> Ocean Network Express (ONE) will launch our latest
eCommerce feature, Import Shipment Overview, that strives to deliver the following services
to our customers:
- Import shipment Dashboard - Information such as Arrival notice readiness, Payment &
Invoice availability, Manifest and Surrender information will be easily accessible from the dashboard.
- Simple and user-friendly design with 24/7 access to information
- Self-service: Print, Email and Chat services for ease of accessibility
eCommerce feature, Import Shipment Overview, that strives to deliver the following services
to our customers:
- Import shipment Dashboard - Information such as Arrival notice readiness, Payment &
Invoice availability, Manifest and Surrender information will be easily accessible from the dashboard.
- Simple and user-friendly design with 24/7 access to information
- Self-service: Print, Email and Chat services for ease of accessibility
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eCommerce Manage Shipment - Import Shipment Overview (Excluding North America)
<5 December 2022, Singapore> Ocean Network Express (ONE) will launch our latest
eCommerce feature, Import Shipment Overview, that strives to deliver the following services
to our customers:
- Import shipment Dashboard - Information such as Arrival notice readiness, Payment &
Invoice availability, Manifest and Surrender information will be easily accessible from the dashboard.
- Simple and user-friendly design with 24/7 access to information
- Self-service: Print, Email and Chat services for ease of accessibility
eCommerce feature, Import Shipment Overview, that strives to deliver the following services
to our customers:
- Import shipment Dashboard - Information such as Arrival notice readiness, Payment &
Invoice availability, Manifest and Surrender information will be easily accessible from the dashboard.
- Simple and user-friendly design with 24/7 access to information
- Self-service: Print, Email and Chat services for ease of accessibility
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